The SDCEPD works to promote employment opportunities for persons with disabilities through community action, providing free training to businesses and collaboration with public and private organizations.
The Veterans Employment Committee of San Diego County is dedicated to serve disadvantaged veterans and transitioning military members of all branches or service, by providing assistance to remove barriers that may prevent them from obtaining life sustaining employment. The committee believes that it is more benefiting to the veteran as well as the overall society to provide the veteran a hand-up, not a hand-out, thus preventing possible long term unemployment and homelessness.
Reentry, with a difference
Reentry Resource For Change provides reentry resources and programs for members to improve the likelihood of successfully reintegrating back into the community after incarceration and reducing the chances of recidivism.Through our extensive relationships among community agencies and organizations, employers and service providers, Reentry Resource For Change becomes part of the essential network that justice-involved individuals need to succeed, by getting them the help they need – sometimes before they need it.
The Prison Ministry is an outreach program to both men and women who are in prison, to those recently released from prison, and to the families and children who have loved ones incarcerated. The primary emphasis of the prison ministry is regular contact with inmates, parolees, and family members. This includes visitation into prison facilities, conducting Bible Studies, one to one discipleship, letter writing correspondence, family support meetings, and follow up contacts with families.
Second Chance creates opportunities for people to transform their own lives by fostering behavioral changes that promote personal responsibility, healthy relationships and positive contributions to society. We accomplish this through programs that provide job readiness and life skills training, along with job placement, mental health and prisoner re-entry services, relapse prevention and sober-living housing for adults and youth in need.Second Chance is the most effective solution for reducing recidivism, unemployment and homelessness, empowering our clients to make sustainable personal changes that positively impact society.
Do you have a family member or a loved one incarcerated? If so, you are invited to join our monthly Family Fellowship. Meets the fourth Saturday of every month from 2:00pm – 4:00pm in the cafeteria. Contact for more information.
Bethel Baptist Church is a large church located in San Diego, CA. Our church was founded in 1921 and is Baptist.